Sunday, October 9, 2011

sometimes facebook makes you judge people.. but other times it just makes you miss them.

  I don't think I'll ever get sick of this picture. or each of you.  

As noted by the title of this post (referencing Mandi's quote: "facebook makes it hard to not judge people.."), I was doing a bit of facebooking and instead of the usual "huh..." or "I wonder why they felt the need to post that really personal information on here?" type of thoughts, I found myself looking at pictures of each of you and reeaaaally missing you all.  It seems like only yesterday I walked up those steps into a sanctuary of my favorite people. 

So just wanted to write a note to let you know how much I miss each of you! I wish my second room in my apt was a room of requirement and I could go in there and have you all living there.. in fact I wish it was a portal into the candy shoppe. Heck, I'd even settle for apparation or floo powder. life really would be better with magic, wouldn't it? sigh.

Well I hope this message finds each of you well and know that I was thinking of each of you and wishing I was hanging out with all of you. on a couch. and just talking. gosh wouldn't that be nice.

and if you guys read this on a monday morning, here are some pictures below that I hope make you as happy as they made me. (I also miss the 2cute app on kylie's phone..)

I never get sick of kitty photos. or youtube videos.

what's cuter than cats in sinks... baby ducklings!

note: peg leg puppy

I heart you all. I am planning on a CS reunion dinner when we are all back for Christmas break so mark your calendars, gals. 

and in true CS fashion:


1 comment:

  1. Nothing could have made me as happy as waking up to this blog post. Indeed it was a 'sanctuary' and i'm not sure it will ever exist again. Sigh. Counting down the days until we are reunited at Christmas!
