Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

my newest animal love

who doesn't want a darling pet that you can have wrapped around your finger. literally. 

I'm in love.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Miss ya.

Ah. I miss you all too, and here is one reason why.

Our bishop told us to not cuddle on the couch, and all four legs should be on the floor while "cuddling."

He also told my roommate to not French kiss.

I feel like a sinner and couldn't help but think about when our old bishop told us that boys shouldn't put their hands on our legs.

All I wanted to do was talk about it with you all and laugh and vent, but then I remembered that many of you are married so you don't care. Anyway, at least you can find sympathy for the single (and still crazy) scene in Provo.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

sometimes facebook makes you judge people.. but other times it just makes you miss them.

  I don't think I'll ever get sick of this picture. or each of you.  

As noted by the title of this post (referencing Mandi's quote: "facebook makes it hard to not judge people.."), I was doing a bit of facebooking and instead of the usual "huh..." or "I wonder why they felt the need to post that really personal information on here?" type of thoughts, I found myself looking at pictures of each of you and reeaaaally missing you all.  It seems like only yesterday I walked up those steps into a sanctuary of my favorite people. 

So just wanted to write a note to let you know how much I miss each of you! I wish my second room in my apt was a room of requirement and I could go in there and have you all living there.. in fact I wish it was a portal into the candy shoppe. Heck, I'd even settle for apparation or floo powder. life really would be better with magic, wouldn't it? sigh.

Well I hope this message finds each of you well and know that I was thinking of each of you and wishing I was hanging out with all of you. on a couch. and just talking. gosh wouldn't that be nice.

and if you guys read this on a monday morning, here are some pictures below that I hope make you as happy as they made me. (I also miss the 2cute app on kylie's phone..)

I never get sick of kitty photos. or youtube videos.

what's cuter than cats in sinks... baby ducklings!

note: peg leg puppy

I heart you all. I am planning on a CS reunion dinner when we are all back for Christmas break so mark your calendars, gals. 

and in true CS fashion:


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rice Pack

Last night was the first time, in a real long time, that I pulled out rice-pack to help me get to sleep.
It made me miss you all.
I laid in bed and thought of the many nights in the CS when I was unable to use rice-pack because one of you CS'rs had found her and was making use of her in your own bed. 
I guess what I am trying to say is I love rice-pack and I love you all.
P.S. next time I get a rice-pack I want it to look just like this one. 

How cute! And as we all know the little ants on a picnic blanket are really getting worn out. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Thanks Yall

Dear Candyshoppe,
Thank you for the events of wednesday!
I can't think of a group of people I would rather have involved in my engagement.
You were all so smooth and tricky.
I didn't know you had it in you.
I love you all,
Mandi W. Biesinger...woah!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

i missles you all


I just wanted to say that I miss you all a lot and that I wish so much that when I go home today I will find you all piled up on the couch and we can sit and talk about our best and worst of the days and then most likely start watching a movie. or lost. and have kylie do a cheer in her spandex. and maryjane yell down from her room where she is (always) studying. and see sarah planning a lesson for her students slash cuddling with anyone that's close. and rebbie dancing like a bunny (in her pink robe). and mandi clutching on to her ants-on-a-picnic-blanket rice pack.

yep. that's what I want to come home to today after work.

I miss you all so please dont stop being my friend even if we dont have the cutest house on the block and a comfy couch to bring us together.


Friday, January 7, 2011



Seriously though Mary, Happy Birthday and I hope you have the best day ever. love love love you!