Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
salmon pants
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this is the picture from his gchat pic -those salmon pants really stand out |
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Coldplay - Christmas Lights
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Pictures from my favorite site: www.dailypuppy.com
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look at those cute pupple eyes.. |
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a cuddly, soft pupple |
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a spotted, playful pupple |
Sarah, I know out of everyone you'll appreciate this post most. If you had your own place where you could have pets, you better believe I would get you one (or all) of these guys for Christmas.
hip hip to PUPPLES.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
dry shampoo is the new baby powder
I feel really great about washing my hair less and sleeping in more. you curly-haired people may not appreciate it as much since you can go like 9 days without worrying but some of us has some serious problems with greasy hair. I love when people ask me if I recently colored my hair- only to tell them that it is just clean, and therefore less dark.. but apparently roots are in these days, right reb? anyways just thought I'd share this little gem with you. miss you all.
p.s. remember when my hair was brown/rogue. that was a sad day.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
i really like everything about these photos.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
6/6 suckas!
Who needs Harvard when you've got BYU?
I love to eat lots of popcorn.
I love waiting to get dinner with the people I love the most.
I love knowing that we are still together though one of us lives in northern Utah, one in SLC, and a few scattered in Provo.
I love that we are all still very close, even with boyfriends (or other social obligations).
But, love is not going to get me everything I want in the world. So after watching the social network what is the next big thing we can come up with to make a company worth 26 BILLION?
(I'm kidding, unless you are about to start a world wide successful company...then I definitely want in)
Good thing we were all punched in for the final club CANDY SHOPPE
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
enormous affection
"I am nearly finished. I have one last hope for you, which is something that I already had at 21. The friends with whom I sat on graduation day have been my friends for life. They are my children’s godparents, the people to whom I’ve been able to turn in times of trouble, people who have been kind enough not to sue me when I took their names for Death Eaters. At our graduation we were bound by enormous affection, by our shared experience of a time that could never come again, and, of course, by the knowledge that we held certain photographic evidence that would be exceptionally valuable if any of us ran for Prime Minister."
The candy shoppe will never come again but I'm glad we have the memories and the "enormous affection" for one another. and you better believe that I'd want you all to be my kid's godparents.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
missing you.
a few of us were together last night at the columbus day celebration.
we discussed the cs. bad and good but really just the good. there is no bad.
wanted to drop in and say missing and loving you cs and cs'rs.
also, ky i love the vimeo video you sent. so fun!
mary this pic of you and kev is just the greatest.
p.s. i am planning a trip to harry potter land november 4-7 (thursday-sunday)
round trip tickets 214.
who's in?
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
kangaroo and joey. and pandas.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
This belongs on the 2cute app..
I am still not not sure what animal this exactly is but I found it on the site cuteoverload.com (the site is terrifying, but hilarious- don't ask how I found it...) Apparently this unnamed creature is taking his back to school picture.. 2cute!!!!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
take me back to the CS
3/6ths with their cougar claws |
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
some pics from the big apple.
For the sake of Sarah Orme
We must thank.... Mandi for not allowing sarah to call the police. ME for risking my entire life walking down to the basement to save Mandi and Sarah after a death call, Harold and Kellee for staying up till 3 AM and Herald being so brave. Reb for not even waking up, and Kylie for staying sound asleep or we may have all be sleeping in one bed in one room!
What a great night!
for the love of the shoppe, GT's and -ulls
Here's a post so Kylie can know that her efforts to keep the candy shoppe together forever will not be in vain- and I hope this is a a guilt trip to the rest of you who haven't posted either. :) Well 3/6ths of the shoppe is having fun in NYC but definitely feeling like half of us is missing. Life is great out here but I think contentment would be at an ultimate max if we had the remaining 3/6ths here and our house and of course the never to be forgotten, couch. oh the couch. I think I could spend the rest of my days lost in the comfort of that couch... and preferably with you all in heaps around me- sort of like kittens as I think one of you (most likely sarah) said. ahh, what GT's in the ol' shoppe. Thinking about it brings up similar feelings to when I came home from london and missed it. I miss the shoppe like I miss 27 palace court. sigh. I'll have to keep tellnig myself that change is good. But for now I want to remember all the great times in the shoppe and perhaps list a few of my favorite moments with you all:
Best and worst each night, all of us being able to cry to each other, buddies again in 2010 and other sunday treat night parties, THE COUCH, the penny-tapping (it's a lot funnier looking back... right sarah?), the time we played nerts all the time for like 2 weeks, DP and chocolate donut runs, being picked up from campus on cold days, watching movies all the time, hanging out in the loft, hanging out in me and sarah's room, sharing that room, kylie calling mandi and sarah "mean girls!", notes on the mirror in our bathroom, eating ravenously after church on fast sunday.. and every other sunday, bringing home banana bread and having it gone in 4 hours, the treat corner, big sandwiches with mike morris, getting sick from panda express but still being worth it, brown bear, polar bear, and pink bunny, reb's dance moves and kylie's cheers, the scary room (just kidding!!!), the room of requirements, reb's band practice, sitting on the porch on warm days, coveting mary jane's hair everyday, QUINCEANERA!! going to cougar football games and eating cougar tails, being polygamist's wives for halloween and mary jane having the biggest poof of my life, sharing 6 closets, putting -ulls/ells to the end of every word- "sarulls is madulls at meulls," our hip ward and the boyfriends we had in them, hating on jury duty,setting an acronym to everythign: GT's, LML, FML, NOML (need to organize my life- a kylie original) etc., hearing about mandi's work stories about her crazy girls, candy shoppe photo shoots, and many many more great memories.. feel free to add more as I am sure I missed many!
Well I have to say this list made me very happy but also a little emotional. I miss those days dearly but am so grateful to have all of you in my life and have the best senior year of college a girl could ever ask for. Luckily for us kylie made this blog (another shamelesss plug for the CS blog)to keep us close AND we are still planning to go to San Fran at the end of the summer right???? I'm still planning on it and I am pretty sure mandi has filled her quota for jury duty for a long time, so we should be good. Just think of all the fun times we could have- and it could be the start of a great reunion we do every year or so for like the rest of our lives. fun.
Ok so think about the trip and maybe we could start throwing around dates for when e can go. I love you all and LONG LIVE THE CANDY SHOPPE!!